Promon S.A. | Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Business Development

Businesses and Affiliate

A wholly owned subsidiary of Promon S.A., Promon Engenharia operates in the professional engineering services and integrated infrastructure solutions market, focused on the strategic sectors of Energy, Infrastructure and Logistics, Mining and Metals, Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Manufacturing and Oil and Gas.

Promon-Logicalis Latin America Limited is a joint venture between Promon S.A. and the British company Logicalis Group Limited, which operates under the Logicalis brand throughout Latin America.


Our companies make up a set of interdependent and cohesive businesses, operating in the Engineering and Information and Communication Technology markets. They are managed independently, but have a shared vision, values and ideals.


The companies are dedicated to providing infrastructure solutions for fundamental sectors of the economy, built based on distinctive competencies and structured in accordance with business models that are designed to maintain Promon’s pioneering stance. The group’s activities are fortified by mastery of technological knowledge, by the strength of its network of partners and suppliers, by the quality of its work force and by its robust business acumen.


These competencies are further reinforced by our flair for enterprise and capacity to innovate.

Created in 1975, the pension fund Fundação Promon de Previdência Social (FPPS) remains faithful to the purpose that inspired its creation: to be a partner that helps Promon employees enjoy a care free retirement. Its more than 40 years of activities attest to its competency and care in asset management and to the success of its model.

Company specialized in operational and energy efficiency, and digitalization of assets in the industry, energy, infrastructure and real estate sectors, whose mission is to increase efficiency and enable the journey of digitalizing assets based on digital twins that aggregate data, apply intelligence and bring visibility, facilitating customers’ journey towards a more efficient and simplified future.

Access the Fundação Promon website

Access the Forzy website


We are committed to maintaining environmental and social sustainability as a structuring element of the development of our Organization. We therefore seek to devote ourselves to actions that exceed the limits of our business.


An example of this commitment is the Fundação Promon de Previdência Social.

About Promon S.A.


A dynamic, vibrant
company full of energy

Since its foundation in 1960, Promon S.A. has left its mark on the development of diverse infrastructure segments in Brazil and in other markets, successfully participating in a large number of important ventures, never lacking in respect for ethics, for the environment and for the human dimension.


With its headquarters in São Paulo and companies with a physical presence in Brazil and almost every country in Latin America, our only shareholders are the professionals who work for the organization.


We are a dynamic, vibrant company, full of energy to continue pursuing our mission of creating, transforming, innovating and doing business with the aim of making an effective contribution to the development of our society.



Some of the elements of the organizational culture that underpins Promon’s activities are an unrelenting respect for ethical business conduct, the provision of services of the highest quality, the goal of professional and personal fulfillment for its people and active participation in the social, economic and natural development of the ecosystem in which we operate.


Moreover, there are some other elements that define the company’s organizational culture in an extremely particular manner. These differentiating attributes are the models of ownership and governance adopted by the company which combine with the internal relationship model based on the formation of a community of professionals.


Promon is a community of professionals structured based on knowledge. These models were inspired by the “Charter of Campos do Jordão”, written in 1970 and whose text remains alive today, given that its spirit has been maintained throughout all the transformations that the organization has undergone.


A fundamental element of the doctrine, forged during the course of all these years of work,  “Beliefs, Reason for being and values” captures and formally expresses the spirit that has always been manifest in the company’s practices, decisions and positions.



Reason for Being and Organizational Culture

Promon is a community of professionals structured based on knowledge

Charter of Campos do Jordão

Beliefs, Reason for Being and Values

Book on 50 years of Promon


The exercise of leadership in the organization is based on stimulating and placing value on the participation of all our employees in the life of the company

Underpinned by our values and ideals, the exercise of leadership in the organization is based on stimulating and placing value on the participation of all our employees in the life of the company, aimed at arousing in each one the sense of belonging to the Promon community. The decision making process is strongly influenced by the ownership model and favors the pursuit of consensus.



Board of Directors


The attributions of the Promon S.A. Board of Directors, the highest governance body in the organization, include oversight of the principles that govern its subsidiaries. It is responsible for formulating objectives, policies and providing overall guidance for the organization’s businesses and management, ensuring that commitments to stakeholders are honored. It oversees the leadership system, assigning, assessing and assisting its managers. The Board of Directors is elected by direct and secret vote of the shareholders for a three-year term of office.


Access the consolidated Articles Association of Promon S.A.

Promon S.A.’s short and long-term strategies are formulated based on annual cycles of strategic planning, an exercise that involves the main leaders in each subsidiary and seeks to exploit trends and macro-scenarios for the following years. The dynamics involved expose the diverse employees of these companies to the issues faced by the world, by the country and by the sectors of activity of each company. This shapes the organization’s main strategic choices.


The systemic vision disseminated by its companies incorporates eight strategic perspectives that represent the main stakeholders and the main elements of the dynamics of value creation, ensuring broad coverage of economic, social and environmental  aspects of the business. These are: clients, knowledge and processes, organizational culture, economic performance, people, partners and suppliers, business portfolio, society and the environment. Macro-objectives have been formulated for each of these perspectives, expressing their interdependence and importance in a simple, straightforward manner. More than just objectives in the conventional sense, these are an expression of Promon’s aspirations for the coming years.

Strategy and Management

More than just objectives in the conventional sense, these are an expression of Promon’s aspirations for the coming years

Annual Reports

Click on the images at the side to read the Report of Promon S.A. for the last four years


The principles of ethics and transparency have been part of Promon's DNA since the very beginning. Ensuring they are instilled in the entire organization is a permanent objective.

Code of Conduct

With its Compliance Program and diverse other initiatives Promon has one overarching objective: to make each member of its community an active agent in preserving an ethical environment and corporate values, fueling these elements that constitute the essence of the organization and strengthen its governance model.

Ethical Conduct Channel

Contact Us

Use the button below to register a complaint or suggestion, or to offer us services.

Reports of misconduct must be registered in the Ethics Conduct Channel. Click here to access it.



A company is a live system, an integral part of the social, economic and natural ecosystem with which it interacts, upon which it depends and for which it is co-responsible.


Knowledge will be an instrument for the fulfillment of individuals and of society if it is shared and used in a conscious manner.


Reason for Being


Promon is a community of professionals, structured based on knowledge, identified by its capacity to innovate which, adopting the pursuit of excellence as a guiding concept, wants to:


Do business and provide infrastructure solutions that add value for its clients and other stakeholders.


Enable the professional and personal fulfillment of its professionals.


Be an active agent in the development of society and the preservation of the environment.


Community means having things in common, shared understandings that transcend the parts in which the company is divided. Community implies the willingness to observe principles and rules, but also implies voluntary collaboration, much richer and far less programmed. Collaboration is not altruism. It arises when people share a cause, feel that they are part of a common destiny. A community may be described, it may be mapped in formal terms, but it also has an emotional meaning, a feeling of connection, of union. Communities have a body, but they also have a soul.



Integrity − To be fully, completely dedicated. To behave ethically, consistently and professionally.


Respect − To take into account the other person’s motivation, to understand all the viewpoints involved. To listen to opinions, to build consensus.


Confidence − To consider oneself capable, to understand one’s potential and limitations, to strive to improve constantly. To believe in oneself and in others, to contribute to the group.


Dignity − To have self-respect and self-love. To command respect, built on authority arising from knowledge and experience.


Equality – To perceive oneself as part of a whole, to recognize each one’s contribution. To combat any kind of discrimination, including prejudice based on race, creed, gender and sexual option.


Justice − To offer each person what they are entitled to, to understand the impacts of a decision. To adopt positions with wisdom, courage and generosity.


Independence − To use knowledge to always offer the best solution, to act impartially. To be capable of deciding one’s own destiny.


Good humor – To have the capacity to see things and take them lightly, to be creative. To find meaning and satisfaction in the things one does.



© Promon S.A. | 2024